Industry News

The key points of using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC in the application of ceramic sleeve slurry


1. Industrial sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC has a wide range of viscosity, including high viscosity (1%, 2 Pa•s or more), medium viscosity (2%, 0.3-0.6 Pa•s or more), and low viscosity (2 %, 0.025-0.05 Pa•s or more). At the same time, during the preparation process of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC, there are different degrees of polymerization according to the degree of conversion. The degree of polymerization plays a key role in solubility, and the degree of polymerization affects its application range and determines the viscosity of the CMC aqueous solution. . Therefore, when choosing CMC, not only should pay attention to the viscosity, but also pay attention to another important index of CMC products-substitution degree (generally greater than 0.7).

2. The amount of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC added should be adjusted appropriately according to the change of seasons, summer is the most, winter is the least, spring and autumn are between the two, the general range of change is between 0.05%-0.1%. The details should be based on the actual production to meet the process requirements, and produce products with dense and lubricated shaft surfaces.

3. Before adding carboxymethyl cellulose sodium CMC to the ball mill, it is better to soak in warm water.

4. When the sleeve material is loaded and milled, CMC is added at the same time, which helps to increase the ball milling rate. In order to maximize the efficiency, pay attention to the dilution effect of CMC when throwing water. Material: water: 1:0.5 is appropriate.

5. It is best to age the axoid for 1-2 days before use to make the axoid fully stable and make the CMC exert the best effect. In addition, it should be noted that the storage time is not too long, otherwise it is easy to deteriorate and cause the viscosity to change.

The key points of using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC in the application of ceramic sleeve slurry The key points of using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC in the application of ceramic sleeve slurry The key points of using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose CMC in the application of ceramic sleeve slurry