Industry News

Application of mineral powder pellet binder sodium carboxymethyl cellulose


An important use of binders in the field of dust removal and ash processing is mineral powder molding, especially the cold-setting molding of powder materials. Its quality is directly related to the performance and quality of cold-pressed pellets. Commonly used binders are bentonite, syrup, sodium humate, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch, cement, etc.

At present, inorganic binders have some insurmountable problems, such as large dosage, low spheroidization rate, poor dry strength, large ash content, and many harmful impurities introduced.

The organic binders are burned off during the pellet roasting process, and some can significantly improve the mechanical strength of the pellets, and some can also improve the metallurgical properties of the pellets.

At present, in the mineral powder, the pellets added with 1.5‰ sodium carboxymethylcellulose can ensure the dry ball strength standard of the pellets added with about 1.5% bentonite. 

Hosea chemical@ sodium carboxymethylcellulose is used as the iron ore When the binder such as stone powder agglomerates into iron ore pellets is added to this binder, the pellets do not appear to be cracked, disintegrated and pulverized, and have sufficient strength.

Application of mineral powder pellet binder sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Application of mineral powder pellet binder sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Application of mineral powder pellet binder sodium carboxymethyl cellulose