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What are water treatment chemicals?


There are mainly the following categories of water treatment chemicals:

1. Flocculants

Inorganic flocculants: such as polyaluminium chloride (PAC), polyferric sulfate (PFS), etc. By neutralizing the charge of suspended particles in water, they aggregate and precipitate, thereby removing suspended matter and colloidal substances in water.

Organic flocculants: Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a common organic flocculant. It has a high molecular weight and can adsorb suspended particles to form larger flocs, accelerating the precipitation process.

2. Scale inhibitors

Used to prevent dissolved salts in water from scaling on the surface of equipment and protect equipment such as pipes and heat exchangers. Common ones include organic phosphonic acid and polycarboxylic acid scale inhibitors.

3. Corrosion inhibitors

Slow down the corrosion rate of metal equipment in water. It can be divided into inorganic corrosion inhibitors such as chromates, dichromates, etc., and organic corrosion inhibitors such as amines and imidazolines.

4. Bactericides

Oxidizing bactericides: such as sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide, kill bacteria, algae and other microorganisms in water through oxidation.

Non-oxidizing bactericides: such as quaternary ammonium salts and isothiazolinones, kill bacteria by destroying the cell structure or metabolic process of microorganisms.

5. pH regulators

Used to adjust the pH of water.

Common acid regulators include sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and other acid regulators and alkaline regulators such as sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate.

6. Chelating agents

Can form stable complexes with metal ions in water to prevent metal ions from precipitating or interfering with other treatment processes. For example, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).

7. Defoaming agents

In the water treatment process, it is used to eliminate foam generated by stirring, aeration, etc., and improve treatment efficiency.

In short, different water treatment chemicals play their own unique roles in the water treatment process to meet different water quality requirements and treatment goals.

What|water treatment chemicals-Hosea Chem