Industry News

Test potassium content of Potassium Hydroxide Method


Test potassium content of Potassium Hydroxide Method:


1. Gravimetric method of sodium tetraphenyl boron

Method summary: Under weakly acidic conditions, potassium ions are precipitated with sodium tetraphenyl boron to form potassium tetraphenyl boron. Filtered, dried, weighed.


2. Acid-base titration method (This method is the most commonly used)

Method summary:

(1) Take a test solution, add barium chloride and potassium carbonate in the test solution to form barium carbonate precipitation.

(2) Using phenolphthalein as an indicator, potassium hydroxide was titrated with standard hydrochloric acid titration solution.

(3) Using methyl orange as an indicator, the carbonate was titrated with standard hydrochloric acid titration solution.

(4) The potassium hydroxide content and potassium carbonate content were calculated as the amount of titrant consumed by the two titrations.

Test potassium content of Potassium Hydroxide Method Test potassium content of Potassium Hydroxide Method Test potassium content of Potassium Hydroxide Method